Yearning for Love
Love is such a powerful emotion. It controls so many aspects of our lives. When you grow up in an environment where you don't get the love that you need or desire it causes you to react and maybe even act out to get that attention. Sometimes when people do this it's not always positive. When you are yearning for love sometimes you act out in a negative way just hoping to get a reaction. When the people around you respond to this negative behavior you start to associate that with getting the attention that you desire be it good or bad. That leads to a lifetime of constantly seeking love in many different ways. When you grow up looking for someone to love you like your mother or father it is easy to get sucked in by someone who notices that vulnerability and uses it to prey on you. They understand that you may settle into a situation just because you feel like they love you. So when they abuse you mentally, verbally or physically you are more likely to accept it because you feel like its the only love you are capable of receiving. Don't believe the hype. People who love you don't hurt you. People who love you don't make you cry. You are special and true love is possible. That special person will come along.
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