When you find yourself on the receiving end of abuse it's hard to function normally especially when it was caused by someone that you love. You find that the pieces of your life don't fit together anymore. I've been toiling with the blog for today because it's been one of those days for me. It's so hard to just move on. Although the more time that passes the easier I gets but there will always be a mental reminder about what you have gone thru and ensured. The most amazing thing came to mind today as I was dealing with just that and that is the fact that I am on the other side of the tragedy which means that I survived it! WOW Ar one point there were those days where I would feel like will I ever return to some form of normalcy? Will I ever feel like getting up off this couch? And I'd just grab the remote and channel surf and for me that meant NOPE! But I did get up and I am returning to those things I once enjoyed. And for those days that I don't want to be bothered I simply notify my support circle that its one I those days so they can give me the space that I need. When the ground shakes beneath you as it did for me, my whole life was shaken on every level. Everything had to change and I has to do everything differently I didn't know my own strength!! Chances are you don't know how strong you are either until you commit to channel it with all your might. It's a struggle but YOU CAN DO IT! I promise you. Take small steps and eventually you will be surprised at your progress!
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Thank you from Screaming Hearts