It's all about you.
Even when the cards are stacked against you don't ever lose sight of the fact that you and your feelings matter. Every day that you allow someone to discount how you feel is a day you can never get back. Women are such emotional creatures because we were designed that way. We always give all of ourselves to other people especially the men that we love. We hope that he will value us as much as we value him. When he doesn't treat us how we feel he should we start to blame ourselves. We often wonder I'd it is something that we have done to make him cheat or criticize us or abuse us emotionally, verbally or physically. It's not. Men like to have control and respect. When they feel it is out of line they try to regain control. When the man you love does that you need to let him know it's not ok with you. If the behavior continues you need to start making plans for you. It doesn't matter about a house or car or money. That stuff won't make you happy and it won't keep you safe from abuse. Be smart. Trust your gut. It's all about you! National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233.
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Thank you from Screaming Hearts