When Love calls your name don't always run!

I know today's blog is meant for somebody because the devil has tried to block it every way possible today.
Today is Mother's Day and all across the world people are celebrating the woman who gave them life and raised them. We first learn about love from our mother and father (if lucky) and how they love each other, other people and us. Those images are forever impressed into our psyche whether they are good or bad. Sometimes we learn the true meaning of what it is to be loved and to love. Other times we grow up in dysfunction and most of the time we don't even know it. We grow up thinking our dysfunction is normal and that everyone else has a problem. It spills over into our relationships with people that we come in contact with or those people that we "love", date or marry. At some point we all get a clue that something just isn't right, however society has taught us that admitting you have a problem and need outside and maybe even professional help is taboo. Listen to me...IT IS NOT! As a matter of fact it is the best thing. People can change if they want to, but it has to start with YOU! When we grow up with skewed images of what love is we set ourselves up for failure in every one of our relationships...fail after fail after fail...Skipping from being verbally abused by one, emotionally abused by another to physically abused by another. No one wants to be alone especially on a day like today...but just know that YOU matter and there is life after being in a bad relationship. There is someone who will LOVE you and treat you the way you should be treated. So when love calls your name...take your time and make sure it feels right before you run into something you can't find your way out of.......Peace and Blessings


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