Fall in Love with Yourself
It's that time of the year again!
The Summer has left us...
yearning for more...
Fall is Here...
It's a new season
It's time to fall in love
with yourself...
Again...or maybe for the very first time!
Sometimes in the course of our day to day monotony we lose focus or maybe even in the face of adversity we lose our total self. But it's never too late, to regain your center and find your way again.
All it takes is a little discipline (or maybe a lot), commitment, desire and the thought!
No matter the rest of your year has been like or what you've been through...YOU CAN use this last quarter of 2016 to
Fall in Love with YOU
with all the possibilities
with all your dreams
with all of your desires
with your vision.
How do you begin?
Well, I'm glad you asked!
1. make a list of all the things that make your heart smile
2. what do you need in order to scratch something off your bucket
3. who makes you smile and laugh
4. what are your obstacles
5. put items 1 and 3 on repeat
6. make a plan to achieve #2 and conquer #4
Stay in tune with the star player...YOU
Don't let anyone get in the way of your happiness!!!!!
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Thank you from Screaming Hearts