Walk a Mile In Her Shoes 👠Part 1⃣
I get so sick and tired of people telling other people how they should feel...or better yet how they should be acting. One of the BIGGEST things I learned going through therapy post abuse is that EVERYONE responds or reacts differently. There is no right or wrong way to respond to abuse. Not only that...each SURVIVOR has their own book!
How dare you sit...scrutinize...or even criticize.
Unless you have ACTUALLY walked in the shoes of the victim....please have several seats!! You have NO idea what they went through or what they are continuing to go through.
Please please PLEASE don't keep coming at them with what they used to do, need to do or should be doing. Chances are you're making things worse.
You can't put a time frame on them based off of when you think they should get it together. If you care for them...continue to support them in a positive way.
Criticism and knocking them down or badgering them is what they are escaping from....don't victimize them all over again.
Studies show that victims of doesn't if abuse and violence have had their spirit and self esteem DESTROYED by the abuser way before the first act of physical violence.
Let that marinate....choose your words and actions wisely so you don't further alienate them ✔️
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Thank you from Screaming Hearts