Despite what others may think... YOUR FEELINGS MATTER

People are so selfish that they only care about themselves. As much as you might try to make yourself believe's a fact. Someone will totally discount how you feel for the sake of their own peace of mind. Undoubtedly so everyone Should look out for their best interest but what ever happened to caring for and about others around you. Even more so those people close to you that you have deep affection or even profess to love. Do they actually matter to you or is just lip service? Words without action is pure bullshit quite honestly. I'm sick of people taking advantage of other peoples emotions and feelings and showing no regard whatsoever. It's okay to take a stand against this folks and assert yourself when you feel slighted. Someone who cares for you will acknowledge it and work to improve the situation. Then there are those people who are so self absorbed that they couldn't give two fucks...GUARD YOURSELF from them. They will run your emotional reserve to EMPTY!!! 


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