Getting out of your own way

Sometimes we get in our own way of overcoming, of achieving of moving forward or of simply being great!

My mom always taught me that I could do ANYTHING that I put my mind to and that's pretty much how I've lived my life. 

Have I ever come up against obstacles and brick walls?? HELL YES!! Many times...but that just meant figure out another way to do it! I'm not saying it is always easy..because believe me's NOT!

But as long as you believe in yourself and stay focused YOU CAN and YOU WILL Overcome and Achieve ANYTHING!

SO often we talk ourselves out of blessings or out of doing something we want to do because we are afraid of the outcome or of rejection or of being let down or simply of achieving SUCCESS!

Life is short as we all I don't have to beat that dead horse...but seriously you don't want to wake up tomorrow with regrets.

Nothing beats a failure but a try and the worst that can happen is you get a NO...(which I always took to mean not right now)

Be unstoppable and fearless in whatever you do....and by all means MAKE IT HAPPEN!!


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