From the Gut - Clear the Air so You can Breathe

We all have felt it at some point or another...that feeling in your gut...when something isn't right or something about the person isn't right. How many times have you ignored it? What was the outcome? How many times have you been able to discern that voice and take heed? We have to learn to trust it and trust ourselves! It's ok to have people in your life that are just taking up space as long as you know and accept that is their purpose and adjust yourself accordingly. Don't set yourself up for emotional turmoil and mental anguish trying to force a person into playing a major role in your life when they are not ready, willing and able to meet that need. All too often we place unrealistic expectations on people like family and friends and we they don't live up to that we become resentful. In actuality they were never designed that way. It doesn't mean it's something you did or didn't don't beat yourself up. You should never have to force A role upon anyone. Those people that want to be a past of your life WILL and those that don't WON'T!  Let them go....release them. Once you do that you can free up space for those that offer purpose to your life. 


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